
An Ongoing Transformation


Main Entry: trans·form
Pronunciation: \tran(t)s-`form\
Function: verb
1 a: to change in composition or structure b: to change the outward form or appearance of c: to change in character or condition : convert
2: to subject to mathematical transformation
3: to cause (a cell) to undergo genetic transformation
intransitive verb: to become transformed: to change

To transform, or to change, is vital to the continued existence of any living entity. Arguably, humanity could not survive without the constant of change. Following, it has been said the only true constant, in life, is change. History has documented ‘change’ perfectly, throughout the millennia. Change has captivated the hearts of nations, bewitched the minds of young, and enthralled the master’s hand. So ask yourself this: Why when one changes, when one seeks higher ground, does humanity recoil?

There are those who exist to thwart progress, hold to the past, and envision a false and flawed future. They are not evil, nor are they damaged, they are merely the dregs of past ages, vestiges of previous glories, and they are they that cannot transform. Looking back will do no good, not accepting will bear no progress, and false accusations include abhorrence and suspicion. Experience is the cure for a decayed environment; knowledge is what breeds the desired change.

Positive experience rears pure euphoria, producing resourceful feelings of ease and elation, which encompass one’s new surrounds with feelings of comfort or adventure. This is the nature of human life, thus it is a required change needed in everyone. Without it, one cannot hope to grow beyond one’s bounds, but to be tied with the bands of desire, deceit, and innocence. Without change, humanity could never have hoped for the better life, the worlds beyond, and the endless imaginings of the mind. Without humanities transformation, from one degree to another, humanity would never have resolved to the complex organism the breaths change to an ever syndetic earth. Now is the time to change.

Running Demon


Running Demon said...

The spacing is really off, and this is a really different kind of post, and I realize it needs a lot of work...

amanda j said...

Your finest yet, really. -Abigail

Chris said...

I think people oppose change, because they fear the unknown.